Sunday, October 8, 2017

Tyger's Cub

This was fun... A Book of Kells inspired Tyger's Cub for a child of Malagentia...

Calligraphy and Illumination by me, Words by Nicol mac Donnchaidh

Yes, I went crazy overboard with the illuminated letters. And yes, that *is* a tiny portrait of HRM Honig in the first letter of her name.

I had a TON of fun with this scroll!

I really enjoy having Nicol as a wordsmith - he's brilliant with words, and I strive to do them justice.

There are so many different folios that I used to create this scroll, it'd be forever to list them all. They are all from the Book of Kells. I wanted the whimsy that came from the various illuminated letters, and the chance to put the Queen's face on a scroll was too good to pass up. All in all I'm much happier with my calligraphy on this one. Mistress Eva taught me a few things about practicing calligraphy and they've come in handy.

I took it upon myself to style the Tyger's Cub differently than the armorial shows - it felt odd to put a French style Tyger on a Celtic scroll. So I dove into Kells and found a (mostly) upright Tyger and drew it into the badge for the award. I am extremely happy with how it came out.

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